Season start for the Quader outdoor ice rink postponed. Further information will follow. 

Event Chur

Gentle Yoga

As part of the Advent Adventure Weeks, the sports and event facilities offer "Gentle Yoga ".


28.11.2024 to 12.12.2024 from 17:30 to 18:25 o'clock
on Thursday
As "Gentle Yoga" is offered as part of the Advent Adventure Weeks, the following prices apply:
With an AU DABI pass and with a WATER pass included.
Without a pass, the regular admission price for the pools (not fitness) applies. There are no additional costs.
Sports and event facilities

Gentle Yoga is a mindful yoga practice for people who want to strengthen their body and reduce stress without having to push themselves to their physical limits. The physical exercises can improve flexibility and increase general well-being through breathing exercises and meditation techniques. In gentle yoga, the balance between body, mind and soul is restored. In contrast to Yin Yoga, Gentle Yoga also strengthens all muscle groups in the body.
The lessons are offered in the group fitness room.


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