Sports Shop Chur
Obere Au shop

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Shop at Obere Au sports facilities.
Forgotten your bathing shoes? Swimsuit broken? Used your armbands? In the shop at the tills in the Obere Au sports facilities, there is some clothing, equipment or aids for swimmers, for example, from Speedo, Sunflair or Olympia. We are happy to help!
A small selection of lines on offer:
- Women's (36-48) and girls' swimming costumes and bikinis (104-176)
- Men's (XS-XXL) and boy bathing pants and shorts (104-176)
- Swimming and diving goggles, bathing shoes and caps, pegs, aquabelts, etc.
- Paddles, noodles, planks, balls and rings
- For the little ones: life jackets, armbands and swimming nappies
Some examples of items for rent:
- Swimming shorts, coat and aqua jogging belt
- Deck chair, parasol
- Table tennis racquets, volleyballs, footballs
Changing rooms available.
Opening hours
- Monday - Friday, 8am - 9.30pm
- Saturday/Sunday, 9am - 6pm, during outdoor pool season until 8pm (May) and 9pm (June until mid August)
- Holidays same as reception
Obere Au shop
Grossbruggerweg 6, 7000 Chur
Responsible for this content Chur Sports and Event Facilities.