10.-17.03.2025: No through traffic and limited capacities at the Obere Au car park.

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Sports Facility Chur

Haldenstein climbing garden

Klettergarten Haldenstein
The founding father of Graubünden's climbing gardens: Since the 1950 climbers have been flocking to the former stone quarry in Haldenstein.


Haldenstein climbing garden is considered Switzerland's first of its kind. Already in the 1950s it was a popular "playground" for climbers in and around Chur. Thanks to a great restoration effort in 2012/2013, many of the routes have been improved, signed and made safer, and there is a new information board with an overview of all the routes.

The climbing garden along the Rhine is divided in 3 sectors: At the far right, beginner routes with degrees from 3 to 5 ( top rope can be set from above). In the middle section there are partially stripped down tours from 5th to 7th degree, up to 3 ropes lengths long. The longest and most rewarding climbs are at the left-hand side. The routes are well marked and secured. It's not advisable to climb in hot or windy weather, but on a sunny day it's possible to climb even in winter.

The network of routes can get a bit confusing, which requires precise study of the topographic layout and good instincts. The terrain is child-friendly and easily accessible within two minutes.

Topographic layout of Haldenstein climbing garden (pdf)

Route tip "Plattenwand"

Access approx. 20 meters left above the first sector, at the bolt and the conspicuous rock pedestal.

1. Sl 5 From bolt right into the dihedral and from the edge straight to first belaly (belays are one oversized bolt and at least one extra bolt).

2. Sl 6+ Move on upwards to the right along the ledges. A beautiful, stimulating climb. You can skip the next belay and go directly 10 meters to the right into the visible dihedral (don't follow the old bolts or those straight up, 7+!). Follow along up to the belay.

3. Sl 6+\\7- The first bolt is a bit too high to be easily reachable. You can overcame the slight overhang with some imaginative movement using the ledge on the top right. Move flat to belay.

4 Sl 5+ Slab climbing through the big slab. First horizontal to the left, then slightly upwards and before the belay through a flat Haldenstein dihedral.

5. Sl 7 Slighty slippery ledges left towards the overhang, the bold on top of the edge is the best handle. Free? As dessert a nice crack up to the belay on old quarry anchors.


Haldenstein climbing garden

7023 Haldenstein

Responsible for this content Chur Tourism.